To get to my NEW blog please visit:
Please could you update your links accordingly? Particularly if you have a link to this page from your site. I would appreciate that very much!
The RSS feed for the new blog is:
I have finally decided to move away from after they announced that they will stop supporting FTP uploads. For some time I have been struggling to update simple things, like tags, links to files, and even to post regular posts with formatting. So, I took the plunge and opened a Squarespace account and moved my blog to my own domain
I have already imported all of my posts from here to that site - it was quick and seamless! It copied everything, including comments and tags, onto squarespace. The interface for blogging is very user friendly (you simply drag widgets where you want them and they work!) Plus, there is an iPhone client that lets me post directly from my iPhone, track user statistics and edit previous posts on the fly.
I hope you'll continue to visit my blog in its new home!
Please do take a look and send me some feedback, suggestions, and any input to make the site better, more user-friendly, and a blessing to others.
Thanks so much!